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At the Same Time Period in the Middle East, Fiber Artists did not Make Tapestry or Wall Hanging Weavings, but instead Created Beautifully Crafted Rugs

 In October 2013, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) launched the "Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-Made Garment Sector" (RMGP) Program, a USD $24.21 million three-and-a-half year initiative.

The United Kingdom and the Netherlands jointly contributed USD $15 million.
"Rana Plaza and Tazreen became the symbols of what is wrong in the RMG sector." Ms. Sarah Cook, UK's Department for International Development (DFID) Head in Bangladesh said that the RMGP was a "key part of the UK's approach to help ensure safe working conditions and improved productivity" in the RMG sector and that the "sustainability of the ready-made garment industry has a pivotal role to play in Bangladesh's continued social and economic development."
The woven rugs did not depict scenes in a story, but instead used symbols and complex embroidery digitizing designs.
An example of this type of art are the giant rugs known as the Ardabil Carpets. Getlein wrote, "Like most Islamic carpets, they were created by knotting individual tufts of wool onto a woven ground."
Another fiber art technique is quilting in which layers of fabric are sewn together.
Although this digitizing technique has not been around for as long as weaving, it is a popular form of art in American history.
Recently, quilted fiber art wall hangings have become popular with art collectors.
This non-traditional form often features bold designs. Quilting as an art form was popularized in the 1970s and 80s.

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